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An image of a meeting between a parent and the Relational Learning Lead, Giovanna, discussing a personalized relational learning plan for the parents
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  • athena learning trust
  • tarka learning partnership
  • Ted Wragg

Our story

Next Steps Education started because we recognised a need. Working as teachers in areas of deprivation we were familiar with the inequalities existing in education and the opportunities many students miss, not through any lack of willingness or know-how from schools and teachers, but because ‘the system’ just didn’t have the means to provide the change these children and families were crying out for.

We felt that we could do something about it by sitting outside of schools and offering strong, enabling support, not just to our students, but to the schools and senior leaders we work with and the families we support too.

Our business aims to be a positive catalyst for change in every dimension and for everyone who touches our service. That positive environment for everyone builds from our primary value – People First! The contributions each one of us brings – our organisation, tutors, mentors, family members, schools, local authorities – build together for a child showing them they are valued, capable and supported. From the platform of security we create together, our students can make the most of opportunities that education can offer them.

Next Steps Home Rooms

Dr Liz Fancourt, Director

“It’s such a simple concept - to educate from an individual's starting point. It enables a child not otherwise accessing education to succeed in ways they never thought possible.

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Get our AP & SEND Briefing delivered to your inbox every Wednesday. Stay informed with the latest news, reports, thinking and events on alternative provision, SEND and inclusion.